About Me

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"Some people told me that writing an autobiography like this, with absolute honesty, keeping nothing to oneself, is like doing a striptease. True, maybe. I, will, firstly, strip myself of clothes and ornaments. Then I intend to peel off this light brown skin and shatter my bones. At last, I hope you will be able to see my homeless, orphan, intensely beautiful soul, deep within the bone, deep down under, beneath even the marrow, in a fourth dimension"-Ente Katha (Kamala Das)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Chapter 16- Early Morning Blues!!!!

Over the years I tried many methods, read many books, swallowed all advices.Tuned, pushed, coaxed myself…Avoided Snoozing button….asked mom to spring cold water...slept early..Kept 5 alarms under various corners of my body……..